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Revision of Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2011-12-12 from Mon, 12/12/2011 - 20:22


Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2011-12-12




[07:01:33]    <mig5>    scrum time - any devs here? anarcat: ergonlogic:
[07:01:38] <anarcat> hey
[07:01:38]  <hefring> eh oh
[07:01:39]    <anarcat> yes
[07:01:41]  <mig5>    I believe darthsteven is currently at a Drupal meetup
[07:01:44]    <mig5>    hello!
[07:01:44]   <hefring> ni hao
[07:01:49]   <anarcat> very little for me again
[07:01:57] <anarcat> i have released this nifty module that waglo wrote:
[07:02:16]    <mig5>    ooh interesting
[07:02:51]  <darthsteven> Hello!
[07:02:51]   <hefring> yo
[07:02:56]   <mig5>    very little from me too. i sent out a silly newsletter last wednesday to be in timing for Vertice's 1 year anniversary
[07:02:59]  <mig5>    hey darthsteven, you made it! :)
[07:03:03] <darthsteven> Nothing from me today, hoping to do some real work on Aegir soon though!
[07:03:09] <anarcat> hey darthsteven
[07:03:18]  <anarcat> darthsteven: i was wondering - how is the d7 port?
[07:03:19]   <darthsteven> mig5: Thanks for that
[07:03:32]    <darthsteven> Hah, stalled
[07:03:45] <darthsteven> I have 0 time to spend on aegir at the moment
[07:03:49]    <anarcat> i see
[07:03:52]    <anarcat> i know your pain
[07:03:53] <darthsteven> That will change in Jan
[07:03:58]  <anarcat> cool
[07:04:12] <anarcat> i note that ohloh thinks we have decreasing overtime development
[07:04:23] <mig5>    probably true
[07:04:26]    <darthsteven> I'm trying to convince my employer to sponsor some of my time on Aegir
[07:05:01]  <darthsteven> Pretty much will be able to spend 1 day every three weeks
[07:05:18]    <darthsteven> Sorry, I'll be quiet now.
[07:05:30]   <anarcat> ok
[07:05:36]   <anarcat> pretty much the same situation for me
[07:05:55]    <anarcat> so basically, we're looking for sponsors and workforce :)
[07:06:38]   <darthsteven> Yup
[07:07:08]  <darthsteven> I want to donate money to the project, can someone let me know how :)
[07:07:43]    <anarcat> don't we have a paypal account? :)
[07:07:59]  <mig5>    i think koumbit do ;)
[07:08:14]    <anarcat> ah right, that's what that button does
[07:08:31]  <anarcat> i wonder how many donatiosn we receive there
[07:08:36] <mig5>    me too :P
[07:08:37]    * anarcat will take a look
[07:10:08]   <anarcat> the answer is 0$
[07:10:15] <mig5>    whee
[07:10:28] <mig5>    i thought i recalled ergonlogic or someone thanking some people in some release notes
[07:10:44]    <anarcat> interestingly enough, 6 of those are "incomplete transaction"
[07:10:59]  <anarcat> people donating between 18 and 100$ have canceled their submission, apparently
[07:11:10]   <mig5>    yeah ''
[07:11:11]   <mig5>    oh ok
[07:11:19]    <mig5>    weird
[07:11:35]    <anarcat> yeah
[07:11:37] <anarcat> i wonder
[07:11:48] <anarcat> i see my failed donation there, and it happened after i hit cancel in paypal
[07:11:54] <anarcat> i'll try to do a real donation to see if it works
[07:13:20]   <mig5>    me too
[07:13:21]   <anarcat> this shit doesn't work
[07:13:28]  <mig5>    seemed to work for me
[07:13:29]    <anarcat> dude, did you just donate a lot?
[07:13:34] <mig5>    $50
[07:13:43]  <anarcat> yeah
[07:13:47] <anarcat> mig5: it says: En attente (Incomplete Transaction)
[07:13:49]   <mig5>    that's a lot?
[07:13:50]   <mig5>    hmm
[07:13:53]  <mig5>    that's no good
[07:13:54]  <anarcat> well, for a test :)
[07:14:18]  <mig5>    i got a transaction id but no confirmation email
[07:14:45] <mig5>    it doesn't show up in my paypal activity though
[07:14:50] <mig5>    so probably just didn't do anything
[07:15:15] <anarcat> civicrm, i love you
[07:15:26]  <anarcat> so that button freaking doesn't work
[07:15:40]    <anarcat> ergonlogic: the donate button in the community site doesn't work
[07:15:57]    <anarcat> we should just create a paypal account for the project and be done with it, remove the koumbit intermediary
[07:16:09]  <mig5>    i think we'll need more dev hands on deck.. let's be honest.. devseed left us, and many others, in the lurch, and i don't think we ever fully recovered
[07:16:12]   <anarcat> mig5 / darthsteven : ... and then us three can share the access in some way
[07:16:22]  <mig5>    i wish i could code a bit better or i'd do it, but i don't think it's my strength
[07:16:38] <anarcat> i agree we need more people
[07:16:45]  <anarcat> i will not comment on your skills, you never listen to me :P
[07:17:00] <mig5>    will i git log | grep migression to make my point? :)
[07:17:22]    <mig5>    anyways. next month i am at Drupal DownUnder talking aegir, i'll try and evangelise and drum up dev interest
[07:17:29]    <mig5>    oh! how was Drupalcamp NYC, how did the session go?
[07:17:43]  <anarcat> the session went well!
[07:17:56]   <anarcat> i got to talk with the pantheon guys about how they do intersite security, it was really interesting
[07:18:10] <mig5>    ah nice
[07:18:20]  <mig5>    are they in fact doing multisite?
[07:18:40]    <anarcat> yeah, they switched away from one vserver per site
[07:18:48]   <mig5>    interesting
[07:19:28]  <gusaus>  not sure the context, but seeing pantheon and aegir in the same chat sounds exciteing
[07:19:54]    <mig5>    it's good to trade war stories :)
[07:20:13]   <anarcat> hehe
[07:20:20] <anarcat> yeah, it was great
[07:20:33]   <mig5>    what amazes me about pantheon is the deliberate simplicity of it.. not too many features, quite spartan in its approach
[07:20:47]  <mig5>    you have to be good to avoid feature creep like that
[07:20:58] <mig5>    anyways - shall we call that a scrum end?
[07:21:13]    <anarcat> yes, i think we're done

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