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Using Aegir for Drupal Hosting and Management - DrupalCampSC (2011-06-12)


Using Aegir for Drupal Hosting and Management - DrupalCampSC (2011-06-12)

Presentation description/abstract:

Using Aegir for Drupal Hosting and Management

This session will explore using Aegir to deploy, clone, upgrade, backup and restore Drupal web sites with live demonstrations on an actual Aegir server. Methods for creating new platforms by importing existing sites and using Drush Make files will also be presented. Using Aegir to deploy Drupal distributions such as Open Atrium, OpenPublish and COD will be demonstrated. In addition, this session will explain use cases for Aegir multi-server setups.

While the primary focus of the session will be using Aegir, system requirements and installation will be discussed briefly.

Presented at DrupalCampSC 2011 (

See slides in PDF format or the link below:

using_aegir.pdf112.35 KB
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