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Revision of DrupalCon Training - Aegir Hosting System: Deep Dive from Wed, 08/03/2011 - 17:10


DrupalCon Training - Aegir Hosting System: Deep Dive

Intro to Aegir

  1. Community (, #aegir)
  2. Terminology (site, platform, task)
  3. Architecture (Provision & Hostmaster)


  1. The easy way (using Debian packages)
  2. The hard way (manual installs)
  3. Other operating systems
  4. Remote database servers and clusters


  1. Checking your install
  2. Manipulating the task queue and reading the task log
  3. Checking crontab

The Aegir interface

  1. Platforms & sites
  2. Servers & services
  3. Tasks & queues

Creating Platforms

  1. Creating a Drupal x platform from scratch
  2. Some handy drush commands and an explanation of node/add/platform
  3. Creating a platform using a drush makefile


  1. Creating a site on our new platform
  2. Common Site tasks (install, clone, backup, restore, migrate)
  3. Cron configuration via Aegir
  4. Site aliases

Aegir vs. the Drupal 7 Upgrade Path

  1. Create a 7.x platform from scratch
  2. Migrate our site from 6.x to 7.x

Importing sites

  1. Single sites (provision-deploy)
  2. Complete platforms (provision-verify)

Drush Make Advanced

  1. Patching and branching with git
  2. Creating cascading makefiles, using includes and overrides

Client management

  1. Clients & the quota api

Extending Aegir

  1. Overview of Aegir contib modules
  2. Scheduled backups & garbage collection
  3. E-commerce integration
  4. ACLs & SFTP

Whiteboxing Aegir

  1. Theming with Eldir
  2. Overriding the Aegir makefile
  3. Overriding settings.php and apache config files

Advanced Topics, Manual Uprades, and other Black Magic

  1. Advanced Debugging (running tasks by hand, force-deleting, etc...)
  2. Manual upgrades
  3. Aliases & contexts
  4. Performance & security
  5. Extending Provision & Hostmaster
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