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Revision of Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2011-0719 from Tue, 07/19/2011 - 12:23


Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2011-0719

22:00 <@anarcat> alright
22:00 <@anarcat> scrum time!
22:00 <+omega8cc> oh
22:01 <@mig5> I didn't know if it had moved time yet or what :)
22:01 <@anarcat> darthsteven: scrum!
22:01 -!- Irssi: #aegir: Total of 75 nicks [4 ops, 0 halfops, 4 voices, 67 normal]
22:01 <@anarcat> so hi
22:01 <@anarcat> i am not sure what to do about the time
22:01 <@anarcat> steven says he can't attend every week because it's too late
22:02 <@anarcat> mig5: and you seem also to have issue about i
22:02 <@mig5> not ideal for everyone, ever.. maybe we just tolerate a 'rotation' of devs who might not always be here
22:02 <@anarcat> t
22:02 <@mig5> maybe it helps that I never have anything to add... :/
22:02 <@anarcat> well
22:02 <@anarcat> i will be on a holiday for two months
22:02 <@anarcat> so maybe we can flip that around somehow
22:03 <@anarcat> É
22:03 <@anarcat> ?
22:03 <@anarcat> 8hAM london, 5PM melbourne, midnight LA
22:04 <@mig5> we'll see if darthsteven complains about the early start :)
22:04 <@mig5> fine with me
22:04 <@darthsteven> Fine with me
22:04 <@anarcat> 2 am EDT
22:04 <@anarcat> anyways
22:04 <@anarcat> i don't know what to do
22:04 <@anarcat> and i wish somebody else would figure it out basically :P
22:05 <+omega8cc> fine with me too ^^
22:05 <@mig5> it won't ever work until I quit :)
22:05 <@darthsteven> Could we rotate early and late on alternate weeks?
22:05 <@anarcat> we could!
22:05 <@anarcat> and really, we need to keep in mind we don't absolutely need to readjust for seth
22:05 <@anarcat> he was pretty clear about that
22:06 <@darthsteven> So long as it's not too confusing
22:06 <@anarcat> he can (and should) provide feedback in other ways
22:06 <@anarcat> the 8AM is kinda hard on some people here though
22:06 <@anarcat> so anyways
22:07 -!- Chipie [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
22:07 <@anarcat> to be clear - i would rather see both of you guys (mig5 and darthsteven) than bring seth back in the loop and loose you :P
22:07 <@anarcat> so i suggest we stick to the schedule at least until i leave for europe
22:07 <@mig5> don't worry too much
22:07 <@anarcat> then you guys can organize as you want
22:07 <@mig5> sure
22:07 <@anarcat> which brings me to
22:08 <@anarcat> somebody should probably take over gsoc mentorship while i'm gone
22:08 <@anarcat> i may have *some* time to followup, but really not a lot
22:08 <@anarcat> i'll be traveling all over the place and I won't be able to prod seth
22:08 <@anarcat> and he needs prodding :P
22:08 <@anarcat> so if somebody could take that over, that would be cool
22:09 -!- redShadow[2V] [] has joined #aegir
22:09 <@anarcat> it's just sending an email from time to time to say "hey what's up" - he's usually pretty responsive
22:09 <@anarcat> i tried to encourage him to document hist stuff on the commmunity site
22:09 <@mig5> ok. I am probably doing the least all round so I will step up
22:09 <@anarcat> and we reoriented his roadmap
22:09 <@anarcat> which he needs to document
22:09 <@anarcat> mig5: awesome!
22:09 <@mig5> if you could brief me in an email on the current status, maybe cc him
22:09 <@anarcat> mig5: i can forward you the relevant communications
22:09 <@mig5> so i'm up to date
22:09 <@mig5> snap
22:09 <@anarcat> hehe
22:09 <@anarcat> cool
22:09 <@anarcat> so that will be it
22:10 <@anarcat> i will probably receive the "hey you need to evaluate this guy" at the end of the program, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there
22:10 <@anarcat> alright
22:10 <@anarcat> now
22:10 <@anarcat> i released 1.2
22:10 <@anarcat> whooohooo!
22:10 <@anarcat>
22:10 -!- romaingar [5d197493@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #aegir
22:10 <@mig5> thanks for that anarcat, it got a good response
22:10 <@anarcat> omega8cc found what seems to be a critical with the new cron code:
22:11 <@anarcat> i tried to roll out a patch for it and it failed to work, and i'm totally puzzled as to why
22:11 <@darthsteven> Cool
22:11 <@anarcat> i don't see the same issue at all here
22:11 <@mig5> i wondered if it was nginx specific, caching HTTP results
22:11 <@anarcat> and i'm about to give up on it for now, as we don't see the bug at koumbit
22:11 <@anarcat> mig5: s/was/is/
22:11 <@anarcat> the issue is still there
22:11 <@mig5> yeah.
22:11 <@anarcat> so i don't get it
22:11 <@anarcat> the original code *was* broken, but with the patch it should be fine
22:12 <@anarcat>
22:12 <@mig5> it would not be the first time i've seen nginx cache a 404
22:12 <+omega8cc> there is no caching there
22:12 <+omega8cc> none
22:12 <@mig5> 2 days is too much though
22:12 <@mig5> ok
22:12 <@darthsteven> Not sure I have time, but will try to look if I can
22:12 <+omega8cc> just one 403 error locks the queue
22:13 <@anarcat> omega8cc: and you did try the patch?
22:13 <@anarcat> omega8cc: do you see this watchdog entry?         watchdog('hosting_cron', 'cron failed on site %site with error %error', array('%site' => $site->title, '%error' => $response->error), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
22:13 <+omega8cc> yes, and reported failure there
22:13 <@anarcat> we'll need more juice to figure that one out
22:13 <+omega8cc> yes, it says 403, as before, for site taken offline for maintenance
22:14 <+omega8cc> this should be easy to reproduce
22:14 <@anarcat> ok
22:14 <@anarcat> so anyways, maybe darthsteven will look into it
22:14 <@anarcat> we can talk more about it after the scrum
22:14 <@anarcat> i monopolized the space too long :)
22:14 <@anarcat> otherwise yeah, release++
22:14 <@anarcat> the debian packages kick major asses
22:15 <@anarcat> and we're deploying a bunch of vservers with those
22:15 <@anarcat> so it's fun
22:15 <@anarcat> that's about it for me, anyone else?
22:15 <@mig5> nothing here
22:16 <@anarcat> darthsteven?
22:16 <@anarcat> oh crap, that should be a continue, not a break
22:16 <@anarcat> i'm on acid
22:16 <@anarcat> ffs
22:17 <@mig5> ??
22:17 <@mig5> ah
22:17 <@anarcat> anyways, i have a fix for the cron thing
22:17 <@mig5> haha
22:17 <@darthsteven> I've been on holiday, and not had time to do anything Aegir related
22:17 <@darthsteven> Will do something Aegir related in the next week for sure
22:17 <@darthsteven> Need to check up on our Drupalcon presentation with anarcat
22:18 <@anarcat> darthsteven: any specific time you want to do this?
22:18 <+omega8cc> hah, break does just that - breaks things! lol
22:18 <@darthsteven> anarcat: not fussy about a time
22:18 <@mig5> failed to fail failed :)
22:19 <@darthsteven> anarcat: soon though, as I think they need things from us?
22:20 <@anarcat> yeah, i've been kind of sloppy with this
22:20 <@anarcat> darthsteven: maybe we can talk later today?
22:21 <@anarcat> omega8cc: try cb0c2d2

22:21 <@darthsteven> sure, I'm around for the next 3 hours or so...
22:21 -!- scientist [~scientist@] has joined #aegir
22:21 <@anarcat> ok
22:21 <+omega8cc> anarcat: sure, thanks
22:21 <@anarcat> i think that's it for our scrum unless somebody else wants to kick in...
22:21 <@anarcat> who's it?
22:22 <@anarcat> (who wants to upload the scrum log, that is)
22:22 <@mig5> i'll do it
22:22 <@darthsteven> I can
22:22 <@darthsteven> oh
22:22 <+omega8cc> :)
22:22 <@darthsteven> go for it mig5
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