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Revision of Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2011-07-05 from Tue, 07/05/2011 - 12:12


Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2011-07-05

[22:01:04]    scrum time
[22:01:12]    hello!
[22:01:12]    anarcat sends his apologies for this week
[22:01:25]    but I hear he had a good time at the drush sprint and got some good work done, so hopefully we'll hear more about that soon
[22:02:03]    me, i once again didn't do anything.. oh, I did add to the jenkins deb install of aegir to uninstall and purge the packages before destroying
[22:02:13]    which is a final good test of those packages
[22:02:18]      omega8cc: i'm trying a barracuda/octopus upgrade before i try again
[22:02:40]    i think we are well overdue for a 1.2 release, I am conscious there are a lot of patches from omega8cc for review (I think?) so we should get those in
[22:02:53]      omega8cc: but i was having trouble replicating the site installation commands, i think there might have been some arguments i was missing?
[22:02:55]    halcyonCorsair: please wait 15 minutes, we have scrum time
[22:02:56]    that's it from me, over to darthsteven and omega8cc
[22:03:27]     sure
[22:03:52]  * Harley has joined #aegir
[22:03:56]     I got the Jenkins deb install of aegir working
[22:04:07]    epic
[22:04:13]     and worked on getting notification integration with Aegir
[22:04:42]    oh nice. i saw somewhere a sandbox link but it had disappeared
[22:04:47]     So I now get push notifications on my iPhone when Aegir tasks fail
[22:04:51]     which is nice
[22:04:58]     write-up coming soon
[22:05:02]    nice. Notifo?
[22:05:11]     that's it from me
[22:05:25]     (using prowl, but whatever messaging module supports is possible)
[22:05:36]    gotcha
[22:06:23]    omega8cc, anything to add? other than 'commit my patches you bastards' :)
[22:06:42]    ok, so I want to attack that weird critical today: and it lock all our upgrades schedule currently, and then will submit next round of improvements to the Nginx config plus - yay! Aegir UI patches!
[22:06:42] => Paths to images are broken in D7 after site clone/rename => Provision, Code, critical, needs work, 3 comments, 3 IRC mentions
[22:07:52]    cool!
[22:07:55]    and that is it from me, but the UI changes are long overdue and I want to share them finally
[22:09:09]    omega8cc: i wonder if that patch of yours needs to be applied to the file?
[22:09:13]    as opposed to
[22:09:18]    but i've forgotten how it all works
[22:09:54]    don't think it would change that result anyway
[22:09:57]    mig5: that is exactly what I think, it misses d7 specific stuff there completely
[22:10:04]    strange
[22:10:08]    yeah
[22:10:15]    anyway - anyone else got something to add to the scrum? ergonlogic?
[22:10:25]      not directly on aegir but I posted two patches to drush_make that are useful for aegir. one that adds ability to set options in the makefile - the other updated a patch that allows setting working-copy per project -
[22:10:25] => introduce an options array in the root level of the makefile => Drush Make, Code, normal, needs review, 0 comments, 1 IRC mention
[22:10:26] => PATCH: Allow [working-copy] in makefile as well as on commandline => Drush Make, Code, normal, needs review, 18 comments, 1 IRC mention
[22:10:42]    nice, I saw the working-copy patch update
[22:11:08]    also see Owen's Drush sprint overview here for those interested:
[22:11:29]  * CraHan is now known as CraHan_out
[22:11:52]    ok, scrum done I think, and i'll do the log
[22:11:56]    thanks all
[22:12:04]    thanks!
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