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Revision of Ubercart Integration from Sat, 04/09/2011 - 15:02


Ubercart Integration

Aegir Ubercart Integration

This module provides several features to ubercart products on an Aegir platform.


  • Hostmaster 6.x-1.0 (rc3 minimum)
  • Ubercart 2
  • Patience


  1. Download the module and its dependencies into sites/all/modules on your hostmaster platform ("drush @hostmaster dl uc_hosting ubercart" should work)
  2. Activate the clients feature for hostmaster (admin/hosting/features)
  3. Enable the module uc_hosting_products. This should enable all dependencies (drush @hostmaster en uc_hosting_products)

Creating Your First Site Product

  1. Create a product. Make sure it is not shippable. (node/add/product)
  2. Edit the product. Go to the features tab.
  3. Choose the "Create a site and adjust quotas accordingly" feature. It should use the sku of your product automatically.
  4. Now all you need is a drupal platform that any user can create platforms on and you are ready to go. (node/add/platform)

Creating More Complex Offerings Using Product Kits

Each product can have only one uc_hosting feature. The method we recommend for creating complex offerings, including multiple site quotas and access to restricted platforms, is via Ubercart product kits.

  1. Enable uc_product_kit.
  2. Create one or more uc_hosting products.
  3. Create a product kit with these products in them in the appropriate quantities.


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