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Revision of 2.0-beta2 release notes from Wed, 06/26/2013 - 18:42


2.0-beta2 release notes

The Aegir team is pleased to announce the second stabilization (beta) release of the Aegir 2.x branch.

This release mainly targets a few critical bugs that were found in the first beta, namely IP allocation on non-SSL and non-cluster sites which was completely broken and bugs the Debian package. We also introduce a few new features and finally drop support for provisionning Drupal 5 sites completely.

While we are in feature freeze, we have continued to add some UI improvements, since they don't affect the API. We've added some long-standing UI enhancements, and fixed a number of bugs in the views integration and other usability problems.

Known issues

Our release process is still done by hand instead of automated because we can't use our aegir distribution as core (issue #1991764)

Issue #1931000: Missing drush backend output in frontend log has been fixed, but may require a patch to Drush for the use of hosting-queued.

Our release process is now done by hand instead of automated because we can't use our aegir distribution as core (issue #1991764)

Subdirectory support is still very preliminary and needs those issues to be fixed before completion:

  • Nginx support missing (issue #2020091)
  • If is created, the virtual will be overwritten and the site inaccessible under that domain (issue #2020089)
  • Multi-server support is untested (issue #2020079)
  • Code needs to be refactored to the new 2.x API (issue #2020075)

The move to Views has highlighted some additional issues:

New features

Bug fixes

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  • Add book pages and organize them hierarchically into different books.
  • Attach files to pages to share them with others.
  • Track changes that others have made and revert changes as necessary.
  • Archive books that are no longer of interest to the group. Archived books can be reactivated later if needed.

The revisions let you track differences between multiple versions of a post.