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Revision of Commands from Mon, 02/04/2013 - 05:57



$ drush --filter=devshop_provision

All commands in devshop_provision: (devshop_provision)
provision-devshop-co  Export the site's Features and commit the result.                                             
mmit (pdc)                                                                                                          
provision-devshop-pu  Pull & verify platform code and (optionally) run update.php, clear cache, and revert features.
ll (pdp)                                                                                                            
provision-devshop-sy  Sync database (and files, coming soon) from a chosen source site.                             
nc (pds)                                                                                                            
provision-devshop-te  Run a group of SimpleTest tests.                                                              
st (pdt)                                                                                                            

$ drush provision-devshop-commit --help

Export the site's Features and commit the result.

drush @project_mysite              Recreates and Commits all features from the dev environment of @project_mysite with an additional commit
provision-devshop-commit dev       message.                                                                                                
--message="changed some settings"                                                                                                          

environment                               The name of the environment to commit from.

--message                                 Add a commit message                                     
--revert                                  Force revert all features after exporting and committing.

Aliases: pdc

$ drush provision-devshop-pull --help

Pull & verify platform code and (optionally) run update.php, clear cache, and revert features.

drush @project_mysite                    Triggers a git pull and a clear cache command on @project_mysite's dev and test environments.
provision-devshop-pull dev test --cache                                                                                               

environments                              A list of environment names to Pull Code to.

--update                                  Run update.php after code pull.     
--revert                                  Revert all features after code pull.
--cache                                   Clear all caches after code pull.   

Aliases: pdp

$ drush provision-devshop-sync --help

Sync database (and files, coming soon) from a chosen source site.

drush @project_mysite            Syncs the database from for project_mysite's live to  project_mysite's dev server.
provision-devshop-sync live dev                                                                                    

from                                      Environment to sync from.
to                                        Environment to sync to.  

--update                                  Run update.php after content sync.     
--revert                                  Revert all features after content sync.
--cache                                   Clear all caches after content sync.   
--files                                   Sync site files.                       

Aliases: pds

$ drush provision-devshop-test --help

Run a group of SimpleTest tests.

environment                               The name of the environment to run tests on.

--tests-to-run                            The list of tests to run.                    
--sync-from-live                          Sync contents from Live before running tests.

Aliases: pdt

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