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Overview of Aegir and Dev/Stage/Production


Overview of Aegir and Dev/Stage/Production

I presented this at the Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit. Aegir received a warm reception which has nice to see. Feel free to use these slides in whatever way necessary. On images where credit is given, please make sure you give credit to the original authors. Thank you.

Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit

Key Points

  • Overview of what Aegir is and what it can do.
  • Introduction to key Aegir concepts
  • Discussion of current successes & remaining issues with Aegir in our environment
  • Our Dev/Stage/Production workflow
  • Live demonstration
  • ?'s and comments

Original Session Description

We have recently been developing a new hosting architecture utilizing the Aegir platform. In our quest to move towards a more professional development model of a development, staging/qa, and production server I have learned a lot about setting up Aegir and the subsystems necessary to successfully move a site from the dev server through the chain up to production. This session would cover at a high level installation and configuration of Aegir and leveraging their hub-spoke model to speed up movement of sites and to ensure a higher level of maintenance to all drupal installations.

Aegir proves immensely useful when porting sites from D5 to D6. We would also discuss our move towards git and how that does and does not dove-tail with Aegir. I would hope to showcase some of our pitfalls so that others can avoid them if they choose to use Aegir in the future.

This would most likely be a 30-35 minute presentation with the rest of the time being devoted to discussion.

introduction_to_aegir_pnwds_with_notes.pdf3.79 MB
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