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Adding apache config files


Adding apache config files


If you connect to your Hostmaster server and look at ~aegir/config/server_examplecom/apache.conf, you can see that this file includes files from pre.d and post.d directories. The includes are done in the following order:

  1. pre.d
  2. vhost.d
  3. platform.d
  4. post.d

The earlier files take precendence over the later files for <VirtualHost> blocks. The latter files take precedence over earlier files for <Directory> blocks.

If we wanted to add a phpini directive that can only be set on a PHP_INI_PERDIR-for example, post_max_size-we could create a file called upload.conf and add it either to pre.d or post.d.

Here's a possible upload.conf:

# Custom Server-wide configuration #
# our php.ini sets memory limit to 96M
# post_max_size should also be less than memory_limit.

php_value post_max_size                90M
php_value upload_max_filesize          85M
If we put upload.conf in pre.d, our setting would always take precedence, because it occurs higher up the chain of include files.

If we put upload.conf in post.d, our setting would be applied only if the same setting is not defined higher up the chain by the aegir code. As Antoine states here post.d is mainly useful when migrating in sites. It would also be useful if you wanted to set a server-wide default which could be overridden on by a virtual host or platform config setting.


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