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Revision of 1.2 release notes from Wed, 07/13/2011 - 18:06


1.2 release notes

The Aegir team is happy to release the third stable release in the 1.x branch. We have found only one critical bug (in Nginx support) but have fixed so many little bugs that we figured it was about time to make a new release.

The major changes from 1.1 are that we now support the wget cron method for D7, and have fixed a lot of issues in the Nginx support. In addition, there is now the ability to "purge" platforms that Aegir might not otherwise recognize as eligible for deletion, and have robots.txt on a per-site basis. Finally, the "wget" support for cron.php has been rewritten with drupal_http_request(), so it's much faster and will detect errors properly - no more discrepancies between Aegir's idea of when cron was ran and the site's.

We've put in place a continuous integration server (Jenkins), which has allowed us to start automated testing of the Debian packages. This helps to ensure that automated installation of the software is stable. People wishing to test the latest development version of the 1.x tree can now install packages from the "unstable" repository; more information can be found here:

While not specific to this release, we have made extensive improvements to the documentation that can be found at, as well as API documentation on

Also, we've begun to accept donations in order to cover various project costs. As an open source project, we need the support of the community to ensure ongoing development and support. Koumbit is pleased to provide administrative support for this, and you can find the donation page on their site:, which is also linked to directly from the front page of the community site.

1. Installing and upgrading

The canonical source of installation documentation is on the community site at:

In a similar fashion, the upgrade documentation is:

Within those sections you'll find step-by-step instructions for performing both manual and automatic upgrade processes.

It is still imperative that you read the the upgrade path and version-specific information and follow all version-specific upgrade instructions before trying to run the upgrade script or manual upgrade. This especially applies to users upgrading from releases prior to 0.4-alpha8, including 0.3.

For users coming from the 0.4 betas or recent rc releases, there are unlikely to be any version-specific manual steps required to upgrade, but you should make a habit of reading them anyway just to make sure. No-one likes a nasty surprise!

2. Need help?

If you struggle to install or upgrade your Aegir system, you have a number of options available to you for getting help.

Consult this page for more information:

Thanks to our awesome community for their help, support and encouragement as always! Enjoy the new release :)

3. New features

As per our maintenance policy, we have keep new functionalities to a minimum. We did however, give in and merged the exportable backups feature in 1.1.

4. Bugfixes

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