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1.0-rc5 release notes


1.0-rc5 release notes

The Aegir team is very pleased to announce the fifth release candidate of Aegir 1.0!

This is a hotfix release to fix a major issue in the upgrade path. All users are strongly encouraged to skip the rc4 release and upgrade here instead.

Changes in 1.0-rc5

  • fix the upgrade path (#1118558)
  • fix to have the right older version all the time and automatically detect drush (#1117776)

Known issues

  • Drupal 7 support is broken (hotfix available in #1119850)
  • is broken again, use this version instead until rc6 comes out

This release is otherwise mostly identical to 1.0-rc4.

Referenced by Last post Author
1.0-rc5 released! Fri, 04/08/2011 - 21:22 anarcat
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The notebook section provides a way for you to store and share information with your group members. With the book feature you can:

  • Add book pages and organize them hierarchically into different books.
  • Attach files to pages to share them with others.
  • Track changes that others have made and revert changes as necessary.
  • Archive books that are no longer of interest to the group. Archived books can be reactivated later if needed.