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2.4 release notes


2.4 release notes

The Aegir team is proud to announce the forth release in the stable 2.x release branch!

This maintenance release ships with a security fix for Apache installations. Everyone is encouraged to upgrade. Re-verify is required for all sites (Views bulk operations makes this easy)

Also, worth noting is the simultaneous release of our second beta for Aegir 3. Debian packages are now being provided for Aegir 3, so trying it out is easier than ever!

1. Installing and upgrading

The canonical source of installation documentation is on the community site at:

In a similar fashion, the upgrade documentation is at:

Within those sections, you'll find step-by-step instructions for performing both manual and automatic upgrade processes.

It is still imperative that you read the the upgrade path and version-specific information and follow all version-specific upgrade instructions before trying to run the upgrade script or manual upgrade.

N.B. Issue #2146977: Broken backward compatibility with IP based vhosts may affect those upgrading from 1.x. It appears that running 'verify' tasks on all sites should resolve the issue.

2. Need help?

If you struggle to install or upgrade your Aegir system, you have a number of options available to you for getting help.

Consult this page for more information:

Thanks to our awesome community for their help, support and encouragement as always! Enjoy the new release :)

3. Known issues

Being really open about our project, we have never hidden the fact that some things, sometimes, do not work in Aegir. Our issue trackers are public, and we've made it a point of honor not only to document clearly what is wrong in our releases as soon as we find out about it, but also to reroll new releases when we fix it.

That being said, 2.4 still has a number of issues and design flaws. This is the list of all issues marked "major" in the queue right now. Most issues are now likely to be fixed in the 3.x development branch, and unlikely to be backported unless considered critical.

As mentioned in the previous section, Issue #2146977: Broken backward compatibility with IP based vhosts is still listed as a 'critical' issue against the 2.x branch. However, it should only affect those upgrading from 1.x, and has a fairly simple work-around. If you come across this behaviour during your upgrade, please post a comment to the issue, so we can confirm that it still exists.

4. Features

5. Bug fixes

  • Just the mentioned security fix
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