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Revision of Aegir Project Leadership from Tue, 05/06/2014 - 12:21


Aegir Project Leadership

With the recent transfer of leadership, the project's core team has decided to move towards a more democratic model, to ensure clearer structure and smoother transitions in the future. Debian is a shining example of this (in particular, the DPL), and so we will model our leadership position(s) after them.

The Aegir Project Leader (APL) is the official representative of the Aegir Project. They have two main functions, one internal and one external.

In the external function, the Project Leader represents the Aegir Project to others. This involves giving talks and presentations about Aegir and attending trade shows, as well as building good relationships with other organizations and companies.

Internally, the Project Leader manages the project and defines its vision. They should talk to other Aegir developers, especially to active contributors to Aegir core, to see how they can assist their work. A main task of the Project Leader therefore involves coordination and communication.

Obviously, we're a much smaller project than Debian, and so we're adopting a pretty minimalist organizational structure. That said, Debian has many other structures in place to ensure the ongoing health of a large community driven project. As the Aegir Project grows, we can appropriate additional tools to overcome any new challenges that arise.

Finally, the responsibilities inherent in the APL role are not exclusive to it. That is, just because it is the Project Leader's job to give presentations and coordinate our efforts, other community members should not hesitate to continue doing so themselves.

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