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Revision of Install script for Ubuntu 10.4 LTS from Sun, 01/09/2011 - 10:19


Install script for Ubuntu 10.4 LTS

The script installs Aegir 4.0-beta2 with all prerequisites on a bare Ubuntu 10.4 LTS server, on a local network, without any security hardening. It is a scripted version of the cannonical, adapted for Ubuntu.

This script helps Aegir users to quick start with an Aegir installation on Ubuntu headless server for development and testing purposes, but is not ready for production environments. It uses PHP 5.3, not PHP 5.2 as recommened by Aegir documentation.

It installs all the software requirements (Apache, MySQL, PHP), as well as other packages needed by Aegir, like rsync, gzip or git-core. It helps to configure the system parameters (set the Aegir user, PHP memory limits, database configs, and symlinks). And of course, downloads and runs the Aegir install script.

    Getting started
  • install a bare Ubuntu 10.4 LTS server, optionally with OpenSSH
  • login and switch to root ('sudo su')
  • set a fix IP address to the server
  • download this script
  • adjust the parameters in the script, like IP of the host
  • change access and execution rights: chmod 775
  • execute the script
  • follow the instruction on the terminal, answer few questions during install
  • Do not use on production environments, it has no security hardening
  • It runs PHP 5.3, generating issues and warnings for some contributed modules.


The script is available via GitHub:

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