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Revision of Office hours from Sun, 04/15/2012 - 10:52


Office hours

Starting from April 2012, we will be holding 'office hours' twice weekly, these are opportunities when people knowledgeable about Aegir will be around to support the community.

1. When

Office hours currently take place on:

  • Every Monday at 14h00 - 16h00 UTC
  • Every Thursday at 08h00 - 10h00 UTC

2. Where

These occur via IRC on the #aegir channel, you can read about how to get on IRC on the IRC page. You don't need to install an IRC client on your machine to join, you can chat through your web browser.

3. What

We can discuss anything Aegir related, but ideally we'd use this time primarily for the following:

1. Helping others to contribute to the Aegir project.

2. Fixing bugs in the Aegir project.

3. Adding and clarifying documentation.

If you want to just pop along and be assigned something to do, just announce in the #aegir channel that you'd like to partake in office hours, and we'll take it from there!

Need help?


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  • Add book pages and organize them hierarchically into different books.
  • Attach files to pages to share them with others.
  • Track changes that others have made and revert changes as necessary.
  • Archive books that are no longer of interest to the group. Archived books can be reactivated later if needed.

The revisions let you track differences between multiple versions of a post.