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Tagged: Sysadmin (December 2010)

Title Author Last post
Atrium Notebook Weekly Scrums
Since we have now a bigger team of people interested in the project (contributors in the queue, outside the queue, people at Koumbit, the community...
ergonlogic Mon, 08/27/2012 - 16:34
Atrium Notebook Introduction to Aegir
If you are new to Aegir you may have heard great things about the project but not know about many of the benefits of using it. Here are some - feel...
eft Tue, 07/26/2011 - 16:50
Atrium Notebook Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2010-12-23
Note that none of the core devs were in attendance for this session. Regardless, this is the discussion that ensued: (03:01:56 PM) darthsteven: Is...
ergonlogic Fri, 12/24/2010 - 00:08
Atrium Notebook Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2010-12-16
07:00 <@mig5> scrum time 07:00 <@anarcat> hi 07:00 <@mig5> morning 07:01 <@anarcat> good morning! 07:01 <@anarcat> not much to...
mig5 Thu, 12/16/2010 - 20:18
Atrium Notebook Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2010-12-09
(02:57:33 PM) ergonlogic: everyone: Weekly scrum being in ~5 mins (02:57:57 PM) mig5: trying to wake up :) (03:01:49 PM) anarcat: hey hey! (03:01:55...
ergonlogic Thu, 12/09/2010 - 22:01
Atrium Notebook Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2010-12-02
(03:00:54 PM) anarcat: hi. (03:01:08 PM) anarcat: so now is the time for our newly established weekly scrums :) (03:01:24 PM) anarcat: of course,...
ergonlogic Thu, 12/02/2010 - 21:31