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Revision of Aegir 0.4-beta2 released! from Wed, 12/22/2010 - 04:58


Aegir 0.4-beta2 released!

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0.4-beta2 release notes

The Aegir team is proud to announce the second beta release of Aegir 0.4.

This release primarily is a bugfix release.

There have also been quite a few patches sitting in our issue queues for review for a very long time, and we have attempted to commit a whole bunch of those in this release. Things have been moving a bit slowly and we're sorry for that.

Key changes in 0.4-beta2

There are a few changes in this release that are new, such as the presence of an early 'bulk operations' feature. We do not expect this to be bug free, but hope that by committing some of this new code and making it present in a new release, we'll get some community users testing this stuff and reporting back / patching it to make it better. Otherwise this stuff just gets lost in the queue!

After this release we will be looking strongly at a release candidate for 0.4.

Read the full release notes for more details on this release:

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