This site is a static archive of the Aegir community site. Documentation has moved to Other community resources can be found on the Contacting the community page.
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Support a dedicated StackExchange Q&A site for CiviCRM


Support a dedicated StackExchange Q&A site for CiviCRM

I (and bgm, among others) have committed to supporting a dedicated StackExchange Q&A site for CiviCRM, and you should too:

Dedicated sites like are great for providing a central place for the community to discuss and share. However, they take a non-trivial amount of work to maintain, moderate, currate, etc. Moving to StackExchange relieves many of those responsibilities, allowing the core team to focus more on fixing bugs and coding new features. It also increases exposure, as it is much more public than our little island. More exposure, means more users, which in turn means more testing, and a better resulting product.

The Aegir and CiviCRM communities have had strong ties going back many years. I'm certain that our support will be reciprocated when we look to starting up our own dedicated stackexchance site.

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The discussion area lets your team communicate by posting updates and discussing issues. It is a great place for sharing progress, discussing challenges, and exploring ideas.