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Cannot pass data from signup form to installation profile


Cannot pass data from signup form to installation profile

Hello everybody,

I have recently installed Aegir (6.x-2.1) on a Debian 6.0.10 (squeeze) following the instructions found here

I have followed the instructions found here: and here:, to pass data from signup form to platform's installation profile, but with no luck.

in more details I created a drush script in my hosting_school module and inside the script i have implemented hook pre_hosting_task, drush_hosting_school_pre_hosting_task . Then I created drush script in .drush folder and I have implemented hook pre_provision_install, drush_school_name_pre_provision_install.

The problem is that while method drush_hosting_school_pre_hosting_task is properly invoked, method drush_school_name_pre_provision_install is not.

Am i missing something from the instructions?

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