Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2011-11-21

07:00 <@mig5> ok, time for a quick scrum
07:00 <@mig5> good morning
07:00 <@mig5> it appears darthsteven sends his apologies!
07:00 <@darthsteven> Nothing from me, will do a 1.6 release tomorrow if I have time!
07:00 -!- noecc [~irc@unaffiliated/noecc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
07:00 <@mig5> so ping anarcat, ergonlogic, etc
07:00 <@mig5> oh he's here! :)
07:00 <@mig5> cool
07:00 <@mig5> thanks darthsteven 
07:00 <@darthsteven> Now I'm gone...
07:01 <@mig5> not much from me this week: I posted the first of a fortnightly Aegir newsletter last wednesday, I got some good feedback from anarcat but that was 
              about it :)
07:01 <@mig5> ok. 1.6 release will be tomorrow
07:01 <@mig5> my stickers have arrived, i ordered way too many for DrupalDownUnder, maybe I'll send some in the post to people :)
07:02 <@mig5> we fixed the Reset Password bug that broke resetting of passwords in Drupal 5, so that will go into the 1.6 release which is nice
07:02 <@mig5> that's all from me I think. anarcat?
07:03 < teeyza> so anyone have any ideas why my aegir wont upgrade?
07:03 <@mig5> right, i have a feeling anarcat isn't here, and we have a hijacker, so I might end the scrum earlier than usual..
07:03 <@mig5> thanks all