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Revision of How about joining the family back again? from Sat, 02/19/2011 - 16:31


How about joining the family back again?

About a year ago, we were releasing 0.4-alpha3 as the last release to happen on CVS and therefore, which wasn't supporting git at that point. Now that Drupal has seen the light and is migrating to git (scheduled for the 17th, postponed to the 24th), we should reconsider migrating the source code repositories from Koumbit to

This thread is about going back to our roots and joining the community again by switching the main git repositories back to We will weight the pros and cons here, and your feedback is appreciated.


  • joining the community again - that warm fuzzy feeling of belonging
  • people will stop wondering where the heck the source is
  • we'll stop to have branches in github, gitorious, etc - people will be able to user their git sandboxes to collaborate with us
  • usage stats will start working again - right now it just looks like usage is declining while the truth is probably the exact opposite
  • versions will match in the issue queue - right now we can only report bugs against alpha3 and not the 10+ releases done since then


  • sometimes has intense restrictions on committed code, branch names and so on - this may involve reforming our code and reviewing our branch/tag naming standards
  • One of those restrictions is that install profiles may only have profile code - this may mean we would have 4 projects to maintain again instead of just two

The latter is one of the strongest reasons why we migrated in the first place: creating a new release was a real pain in the butt as we had to lay tags and create release nodes in 4 distinct projects, which regularly lead to errors. Switching to our own repository allowed us to only have two repos to take care of, the hosting module and eldir theme being squashed into a single repository. it is unclear if those restrictions will still be in place on after the git migration.


  • Would we be able to import our history since the CVS switchover? The git magic could make that possible, but it's not certain...


  • runs CVS - fixed! (I also like to think that our switch to git is no stranger to that move ;)
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