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Revision of Virtual mailboxes for additional clients on same domain set up from Tue, 10/28/2014 - 10:46


Virtual mailboxes for additional clients on same domain set up

I have installed BOA. It looks very nice. I used Virtualmin before and heard so many great things about BOA I tried it. My question is that creating virtual servers (domains) in Virtualmin is very easy and one domain can have as many user mailboxes as needed. How to do the same with BOA? How to connect to the BOA mail server from an external email client? What are the SMTP/POP3/IMAP configuration? If no similar mail services, what would be the best solution? Can Virtualmin run alongside BOA? I installed _EXTRA_LIST with VMN (Webmin). I can then connect to my https://ipaddress:10000 just fine. But Webmin can't find any of the settings already in place. Even installing the Nginx module can't then find any Nginx virtual domains! I would love to get this resolved as it really does look great. Thanks for any help.

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