This site is a static archive of the Aegir community site. Documentation has moved to Other community resources can be found on the Contacting the community page.
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Contrib Place?

Greetings ...

Really enjoy Aegir, thank you!!

Using Extending Aegir, I buildt my first basic Drupal/Aegir module. Meant to give us a means to monitor traffic for a vhost. Artical was easy enough to follow for a beginer and now would like to share my module.

Is there a place where we can put this up for show?

Also, since I enabled my module, I keep getting blank e-mails from drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php '@hostmaster' hosting-dispatch ... If I disable my module, it goes away ... Anybody got any suggests?

Thanks LeeT

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The discussion area lets your team communicate by posting updates and discussing issues. It is a great place for sharing progress, discussing challenges, and exploring ideas.