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Revision of 1.7 released! from Thu, 03/08/2012 - 23:00


1.7 released!

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1.7 release notes

The Aegir team is proud to announce the seventh release in the stable 1.x release branch!

This release ships various bugfixes that have accumulated in the issue queue since the 1.6 release, including a lot of fixes on Nginx support. We also ship a new clustering module aimed at lightweight slave deployments named the pack module, designed to replace the cluster module which has performance and configuration issues.

Also note that 2.x development is moving ahead with Drush 5 and Drupal 7 support, along with code refactoring and other features. Debian package builds will be available shortly in a separate Debian repository.

We also want to take this opportunity to welcome to our core team omega8cc, a long time contributor that will now be responsible for the maintenance of the Nginx code. Welcome on board Grace!

See the release notes for more information.

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