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Unable to create new sites


Unable to create new sites


I have an Aegir site on a server that manages three other servers -- development, staging, and production. I have been using this arrangement to create sites for about a year. Today, however, I cannot create any sites. Each time, the process fails with an error like this:

Dummy connection failed to fail: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

I've attached a screenshot of the audit trail below.

Now, this happens when I try to create a site on any of the three servers that Aegir manages. I have had the "failed to fail" error before, but in this case there are no users without passwords to cause the problem. It's also weird that the SSH times out. In any case, I have discovered that the process completes the following actions:

  • Create .drush entry
  • Create entries in the target server's mysql db and user tables

But it does not complete these actions:

  • Create site on either Aegir or target server platform (except, oddly, the first time I tried it)
  • Create MySQL database on target server
  • Create vhost entry on either Aegir or target server

A final piece of information is that the Host field in the user table for these sites is '%' -- which I don't think it's supposed to happen.

Thanks for any insight into this problem. It's freaking me out.

Here is the Report from the Aegir site:

Drupal  6.22
Access to update.php    Protected
Configuration file  Protected
Cron maintenance tasks  Last run 21 min 7 sec ago
You can run cron manually.
Database updates    Up to date
File system Writable (public download method)
GD library  bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
MySQL database  5.1.60
PHP 5.3.8
PHP memory limit    512M
PHP register globals    Disabled
Unicode library PHP Mbstring Extension
Update notifications    Not enabled
Update notifications are not enabled. It is highly recommended that you enable the update status module from the module administration page in order to stay up-to-date on new releases. For more information please read the Update status handbook page.
Web server  Apache/2.2.17 (Fedora)
jQuery UI   1.6
screen_shot_2013-03-04_at_12.56.22_pm.png80.09 KB


Figured out what was going on -- for reason, root had not accepted the host keys from the target server; re-running the Aegir task after accepting them from the command line make it work. Not sur how the keys were forgotten in the first place, though.

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