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Debian archive migrated to


Debian archive migrated to

In order to reduce the bus factor of the project and allow all Aegir committers to manage the Debian archive, the packages have been moved to a new archive hosted alongside the Jenkins server.

The 1.4 packages will remain on Koumbit's archive for posterity, but they are already available on the new server. The jenkins builds are also uploaded on the new server, and next releases will not be published on Koumbit's server, at which point the packages will be removed from Koumbit's server (see this ticket for followup).

You will need to make changes to your configuration to follow the upgrade. The new URL is:

The PGP key changed to, so you need to reimport that too:

add key.asc
apt-get update

You can also remove Koumbit's key if you do not plan to use it again:

apt-key del B7C0A70A

... but that step is optional.

If you need to automate this process, you can use the following script:

sed -i "" /etc/apt/sources.list

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