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Tagged: scrum (May 2012)

Title Author Last post
Atrium Notebook Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2012-05-28
[05:02:37] <@darthsteven> anarcat, mig5, omega8cc, EclipseGc, mvc, sfyn, shrop, skwashd: scrum? [05:02:43] <@anarcat> yay [05:03:49...
Steven Jones Mon, 05/28/2012 - 19:41
Atrium Notebook Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2012-05-10
20:01 <@mig5> scrum time! 20:02 <@mig5> darthsteven: anarcat: ergonlogic 20:02 <@darthsteven> Hello! 20:02 < hefring> salut...
mig5 Thu, 05/10/2012 - 10:24