
This section of the handbook is reserved for screencasts that demonstrate various parts of Aegir in a commented video.


Feel free to add child pages and embed footage of Aegir that you may have found or created yourself. Please try and follow the standards outlined in the other video pages.

Note on deprecated videos

Please note that Aegir is a constantly evolving project under heavy development. Many of these videos contain footage and information that is deprecated (out of date or obsolete) compared to current versions of Aegir.

These older videos are maintained here for historical purposes, but should not be relied upon to successfully use or install Aegir. You should always refer to the Install documentation and the INSTALL.txt of the latest release of Aegir at the time you are reading this, as it is likely that much has changed since these videos were published.

Need help?

Always ask for help if you are not sure on how to install or use Aegir! These videos are a supplementary guide or demonstration of specific features only.

Oct 2011 - Zero-Touch Drupal Deployment with Jenkins, Aegir, Git, Fabric and Drush

How to automatically deploy changes from dev, to stage, to production, without ever having to even login to Aegir.

Originally published at

Download the .ogg video.

Nov 2010 - Upgrading Aegir


Date: 7 November 2010
Presenter(s): mig5 (98MB)

Drupaldojo - Introduction to the Aegir Hosting System

Date: May 2010
Presenter(s): Miguel Jacq

Deprecated: Aegir from Scratch - Installing 0.2 RC1

Date: May 20, 2009
Presenter(s): Adrian Rossouw

Warning: this screencast is out of date, but may contain useful information.

We recommend you install the latest release of Aegir at the time you are reading this.

Installing Aegir 0.2 RC 1 from Development Seed on Vimeo.

Deprecated: Applying Drupal Security updates with Aegir

Date: September 16, 2009
Presenter(s): Eric Gundersen, Jeff Miccolis

Warning: this screencast is out of date, but may contain useful information.

We recommend you install the latest release of Aegir at the time you are reading this.

Applying Drupal Security Updates with Aegir from Development Seed on Vimeo.

Deprecated: Installing Aegir 0.4 alpha5

Date: Feb 1, 2010
Presenter(s): mig5

Warning: this screencast is out of date, but may contain useful information.

We recommend you install the latest release of Aegir at the time you are reading this. (199MB)