Installation Guide


Aegir requires some special permissions to your server in order to automate some configurations. For example, when a new site is installed, the web server will be automatically configured (vhost) and restarted. Therefore Aegir cannot be installed on a shared hosting environment. Consult the system requirements to ensure you meet the necessary requirements.

The install process can be done in one of two ways:

  • The manual install process is the currently recommended install process, and should take about 15 minutes. installation.
  • The manual install section contains detailed instructions on how to install Aegir manually on Debian-based systems, but also specific commands for other systems. It is aimed at system administrators and porters that want to control every step of the install process.

    Eventually, we will develop an automatic install process that will automate the install for regular users.

    Note that, while installing Aegir does change some system configurations, it does only minor changes and keeps all its system configurations in one place so that it is easy to uninstall. It will not remove existing configurations. However, make sure you have backups before installing.

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