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Revision of 2.x branch created from Mon, 04/18/2011 - 22:52


2.x branch created

Referenced Page: 
1.0 release notes

As promised, we have again opened up the 2.x branch for development. As mentioned in the 1.0 release notes:

There will be no change in the existing [1.x] API, although we may add in some stuff if it is really necessary. All future API changes between 1.x and 2.x will be clearly defined so that third party module can be supported. Major changes to 1.x will not be committed unless they are first tested in 2.0 and merged back. We will however keep the branch opened for documentation fixes and non-invasive changes like performance enhancements and cosmetic changes to the frontend. Major problems and "aegirWTF" may also be corrected in the 1.x branch, after a shakedown in the 2.x branch.

In other words - you should now be coding on 2.x if you are doing any core development on Aegir. Patches should be submitted against the 7.x-2.x branch, which have just been pushed to the repositories, both for provision and hostmaster. A jenkins build was created to test that new branch and make sure we don't break anything.

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