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Revision of Aegir 1.0-rc4 released! from Wed, 04/06/2011 - 13:21


Aegir 1.0-rc4 released!

The Aegir team is very pleased to announce the fourth release candidate of Aegir 1.0!

We have again found critical issues in rc3, detailed in the release notes, and a few key features that we wanted to slip into 1.0 that were just low-hanging fruit that deserved to be released. We hope this release candidate will be all shiny and without any critical issues so we can release it as 1.0.

Key changes in 1.0-rc4

There is now a ~/clients directory in which symlink are automatically created to allow easy access to all your client sites (#1115960) A variable is now set in settings.php (aegir_api) to allow contrib modules to inspect what Aegir version they are dealing with, if any. The setting is removed on export, that is, if dbcloaking is off (#1027358) We fixed a big regression where the mass migrate form stopped working in rc3 (#1111532) The private directory of Drupal 7 is now properly protected (#1108810) The Debian package has been tested over and over again and is now the prefered install method for people on Debian Consequently, has been removed and the manual install instructions have been revamped to be clearer, see this post for more information about the reasoning behind that change See the full release notes for all details and upgrade instructions.

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