Provision ACL

This page documents the Provision ACL extension to Aegir which allows more granular access control over your sites files and directories.

1. Install instructions

First, you'll need a running Aegir install (1.0-rc3 or later), see Most (if not all) of these commands will have to be run as root (or using sudo, etc.)

1.1. Download and install provision

drush dl provisionacl

1.2. Enable ACLs on your filesystem

mount -o remount,acl /

Here we assume everything is under the root (/) filesystem here, otherwise run this command for every filesystem Aegir will work on (e.g. /srv, /var or /home).

1.3. Install ACL support package

apt-get install acl

1.4. Create a UNIX group

In this case we choose a group called "devs" but you can choose another name.

groupadd devs

1.5. Add users to the group

Add one or more UNIX users that you want to give access to that group. For an existing user (socrates32), this would look like:

usermod -a -G devs socrates32

For a new user (ergonlogic), this would look like:

useradd -G devs ergonlogic

1.6. Create a client

Create a client (should be called "devs" for this example) in the frontend at /node/add/client.

1.7. Create a site

Create a site for the client in the frontend at /node/add/site.

2. Notes

This page is the reference documentation for the Provision ACL module page on - keep this in mind when editing please.