Upgrade script


This document remains the canonical source of information regarding upgrading your Aegir installation.

However, an upgrade script exists in the Provision repository that tries to automate much of the process below.

It is imperative that you read the Version-specific upgrade notes located at the bottom of this document before attempting to run the upgrade.sh script, as the script will assume you have your system set up appropriately to handle the upgrade process.

You can download the upgrade.sh script with the following command.

Make sure you download it to somewhere that the aegir user can access in order to execute it.

Shell commands::

wget -O upgrade.sh 'http://drupalcode.org/project/provision.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/6.x-1.x:/upgrade.sh.txt'

You may need to edit the script to set any variables that are different from the defaults. Pay particular attention to the OLD_DRUPAL_DIR variable, as you may be upgrading from a different release to the default here.

Shell commands::

su -s /bin/sh aegir -c "sh upgrade.sh aegir.example.com"

Remember to replace aegir.example.com with the domain of your Aegir installation.

If you run this script (after satisfying the requirements of the Version-specific upgrade notes at the bottom of this document), you may skip the rest of this document.


upgrades via script doesn't work: see https://drupal.org/node/2181885


The above issue was for upgrading to 2.0. The 1.11 upgrade script also isn't working. https://drupal.org/node/2202423 https://drupal.org/node/2202415