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Revision of Hosting front end offline after upgrade - database gone from Tue, 08/12/2014 - 21:04


Hosting front end offline after upgrade - database gone

I ran some system updates a while back which took my sites offline. After much effort, I upgraded aegir to 2.1 (as well as a number of other things) and got the sites back online. The web front end was still offline though, but I figured I'd solve that later. Well, later is now, and while trying to figure out why it's offline, I discovered that the aegir database is gone! No wonder the site won't load.

Not sure where to start. I tried reinstalling aegir but it says "aegir frontend failed to bootstrap, something went wrong!" It says "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of aegir2", and the faq says to make sure Drush is installed, but Drush still works from the previous setup. I guess I'm trying to figure out how to re-create the aegir database, reimport sites, all that jazz, but I'm stuck. Any direction would be greatly appreciated!


I ended up having to uninstall aegir (thanks to the page of uninstall steps) and do a manual reinstall, then import the sites in from backups. Not fun, but glad it's resolved.

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