Centos 6.x Aegir Install Guide

There are 2 methods of installing AEgir on CentOS both are the same but one is scripted and the other is manual and is documented below.


The script can be found at https://github.com/marafa/aegir/tree/master/version2

NB. There is preliminary work to fix selinux at https://github.com/marafa/aegir/blob/master/aegir_selinux.sh. Feedback is quite welcome as well as git pulls.


Connect to the server via ssh as root user.

ssh root@

Install system requirements

yum install httpd php php-mysql php-cli php-gd php-process php-pear php-mbstring php-xml php-soap sudo rsync git postfix tree wget cronie unzip mysql-server mlocate nmap samba samba-client samba-common vim

Note: The following packages are not required but are very useful to include git wget mlocate nmap samba samba-client samba-common vim


Make sure Security-Enhanced Linux is disabled as it creates install problems.

vim /etc/selinux/config Make sure SELINUX=disabled

If was SELINUX=enabled then we need to restart.

shutdown -r now

Note: I am not sure if it can be enabled at the end I have never tried.

Create the Aegir user

The provision framework of Aegir requires that the scripts run as a non-root system account, to ensure that it can correctly set the file permissions on the hosted files.

Also to ensure that the file permissions of the hosted sites are always as safe as can be, and especially to make sure that the web server does not have the ability to modify the code of the site, the configured system account needs to be a member of the web server group, in order to be able to correctly set the file permissions.

While you can choose another username, most aegir documentation assumes the Aegir user is aegir, its home directory is /var/aegir and the webserver group is www-data.

useradd --home-dir /var/aegir aegir gpasswd -a aegir apache chmod -R 755 /var/aegir

Apache configuration

Start Apache

service httpd start Make apache start automatically after reboot.

chkconfig httpd on

We need to create a symbolic link between aegir and apache.

ln -s /var/aegir/config/apache.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/aegir.confPHP configuration

vim /etc/php.ini

Increase the memory limit as complex installation profiles or distributions require a PHP memory limit that is higher than the default (128M)

memory_limit = 192M

Set Date Zone to your time zone see http://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.configuration.php#ini.date.timezone

date.timezone = “”

Sudo configuration

Next, we need to give the aegir user permission to execute the Apache2 command to restart the web server without entering a password.


Add to end of file

Defaults:aegir !requiretty

aegir ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/apachectl

DNS configuration

Aegir requires a properly configured "FQDN" (Fully Qualified Domain Name) be assigned to the machine. In practice, this means that the hostname returned by the hostname and uname -n shell commands should resolve to the IP address for this server, and vice versa.

If you only intend to use Aegir on a single server, it is acceptable for the resolved IP address to be the '' loopback address.

If you intend to manage multiple servers using Aegir, you will need to make sure that the IP address is the public IP of this server.

You can add multiple entries to your /etc/hosts file for testing purposes, for example:#> >vim /etc/hosts Add your ip and hostname hostname

Database configuration

Start mysql

service mysqld start Make apache start automatically after reboot. chkconfig mysqld on

Configure Mysql



Set root Password

Remove anonymous users? y

Disallow root login remotely? y

Remove test database and access to it? y

Reload privilege tables now? y

Install drush

pear channel-discover pear.drush.org

pear install drush/drush-4.5.0

Check if drush works If you get PHP Fatal error: Class 'Console_Table' not found then

pear install Console_Table

Stop! Now become the Aegir user!

The remaining of this manual assumes you are running as the Aegir user. Things will go very wrong if you do not change your shell credentials to become that user.

su -s /bin/bash - aegir

Install provision

drush dl --destination=/var/aegir/.drush provision-6.x

Running hostmaster-install

drush hostmaster-install