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Revision of database.sql file in site's root directory does not get deleted from remote web servers after site migrations from Mon, 05/04/2015 - 20:14


database.sql file in site's root directory does not get deleted from remote web servers after site migrations



isn't being deleted after site migrations -- not from the remote web servers, but only from the Aegir server.

According to the task log:

Found database dump at /app/aegir/platforms/1.4/sites/
Database dump at /app/aegir/platforms/1.4/ is readable
Removed dump file /app/aegir/platforms/1.4/sites/ after restoring from it

My questions are: 1. Is this file needed on the remote web servers? Or can it be safely deleted? It appears in the the backup archives on the aegir server. 2. Is there a feature in Aegir that we have not enabled that can delete this from remote web servers?

The relevant code is <?php function drush_db_post_provision_deploy() { provision_file()->unlink(d()->site_path . '/database.sql') ->succeed('Removed dump file @path after restoring from it') ->fail('Could not remove dump file @path', 'DRUSH_PERM_ERROR'); } >

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