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Aegir Install Profiles vs. Site Profiles


Aegir Install Profiles vs. Site Profiles

I've been reading up on Drush make and Aegir in an attempt to learn more about it:

For example:

I've already gone through the Installation Guide:

And setting up a Platform:

I understand what a "Platform" is an how they are used.

What I do not understand is the difference between:

  • the "Install Profiles" in Aegir (Create Content >> Site >> Install Profile)
  • the "Site Profiles" in /var/aegir/platforms/<>/profiles

As well as how the "PROFILE" differs from "PLATFORM".

Would anyone be willing to explain the difference to me?




OR, do you mean....



Hi technomensch,

A platform in Aegir contains your Drupal core installation and once a site has been added to it the site will appear in the sites/ folder, you can sepearte your sites by using seperate platforms or have a platform for drupal-6.x and another platform for drupal-7.12 and another platfor for drupal-7.20.

Each platform can contain multiple profiles

A profile / installation profile is created under the /profiles folder and can contain modules, themes and settings that should be set up and ready at the time of installation.

You could have a single installation of Drupal core (eg 7.20) with 2 installation profiles (eg profile1 and profile2) and 4 sites running on it (eg,, and

All sites would share the Core install (the platform), and could use installation profile1 could use installation profile2

At install the site takes it's setting and pre configuration from the profile .info file(you can specify what modules are turned on at install in

Any modules, themes or settings stored in profile1 are invisible to a site installed using profile2

If you are using profiles you should store all of your modules at /profiles/profile1/modules/contrib instead of /sites/all/modules/contrib

I hope that all makes sense, feel free to ask for clarification on any of it.


I think an important thing to point out is that every Drupal site is built by an Install Profile. They are not aegir specific.

Drupal 6 came with one, and Drupal 7 comes with 3 Install Profiles, Minimal, Standard, and Testing. You must choose one and only one profile when installing Drupal. You can download or build your own Install Profiles as well.

On a related note, a Drupal "Distribution" (like OpenAtrium or Panopoly) are simply install profiles that contain a bunch of modules and themes and a Makefile for building that "Distribution": drupal core plus contrib modules. (equivalent to an Aegir Platform)

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