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Aegir Hosting Control Panel


Aegir Hosting Control Panel

One time on a DrupalJam here in The Netherlands i had an argument with a good friend of mine he was saying: Aegir is NOT a hosting panel.. and i said: YES it is! But he did not believe me. I know it is a hosting panel but i have to admit, it doesn't feel like a hosting panel because it's missing some basic functionality

I would like to request hosting functionality for Aegir.
- Normal Aegir Functionality like it is.
- Dashboard: Machine Info, Services Info, Statistics & Status
- Customer / Clients Management CRM
- Reseller Management
- Domain - Assign to Customer / Client / Quota's and info
- DNS Management / Settings up Records
- Email Management / Quota, Create, Edit, Delete
- Mysql Management / Create, Edit, Delete, Backup
- Hosting Profiles / Service Plans with Quota's for Space, Bandwith, Email, FTP
- Monitoring CPU, Memory, Disk, Network, Services
- Log files & Graphical history of the monitors
- Creating standalone Drupal websites / profilesites from the Panel
- Backup function to another server by ftp and/or sftp
- Restore function
- Staging / Dev / Production functionality
- Cron Drush Archive Dump standalone tar.gz file
- Email alerts
- (Mass) Email clients directly from the panel
- To-do items, Notes, Client history
- Billings, Accounting, Invoicing, Financial management (auto invoice)
- Issue ticket management
- Payment Management

Customer Login:
- Email Account management
- Download & Print Invoice's
- Invoice status
- Webmail ( Roundcube )
- Issue ticket management
- Payment module

Optional and can be disabled:
- Firewall functionality, Firewall statistics
- Spam Filter Settings
- IP Ban Settings
- PHP Settings
- NGinx Settings
- MariaDB Settings

I Would like to run the Aegir Installer of course again on an Ubuntu Server with Nginx & MariaDB


That's a big list. Would be nice ;)

Are you any good a fund-raising?

The issue queue has some issues about branching out... but modest.


Fund-raising could be if all this looks promising of course! and about the alien platform... i really don't like the idea of running wordpress / magento near or on Aegir/Drupal.


hear hear .. but i believe in centos ;)


I think your idea of this discussion is totally WRONG. I was talking about a hosting panel as is, and adding new features to it so it becomes a real hosting panel. If you believe in centos, then continue believing in centos nobody will stop you from believing in centos IDFC



i am sorry to find out that while you are smart you are obnoxious and rude. i hope the devs wont take that into account when considering features in the future. i like the list you proposed but not you.

my apologies to you


adding to the list drupal and drupal-contrib security emails


This would be excellent :)

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