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2.x redesign notes


2.x redesign notes

Note: this document is also available in the provision source as HACKING_2x.mdwn.

1. Multiserver redesign

One of the things I have been thinking of doing for a while was to move the dispatcher to the backend and move more logic to remote servers. This section details my findings related to that work

1.1. Task queue

This queue is tightly bound with the frontend. There's a complete 'task' module, complete with a database schema, in the hosting package. It would be difficult if not illogical to move all that stuff to the provision module.

This, in turn, makes it difficult to implement the task queue on the remote servers directly.

An alternative would be to keep the task module in the frontend but create a skeleton implementation in the backend that would do the task unserialization necessary to produce the drush task.

In other words, we would need to split the task module in two: one part which would write tasks to the MySQL database (by default, other backends could be implemented!) and another end (on the provision side), which would read tasks from the database.

1.2. The dispatcher

The dispatcher, however, is less bound with the frontend. It uses the Drupal variable storage for locking itself, but that is probably not a blocker for moving the code to the backend.

In fact, we could consider simply dropping all this code in favor of the more stable, complete and logical hosting_queued.

Settings for the queues that are used by the dispatcher could still be managed by the frontend, provided we clearly specify which settings are applied of course. Again, those settings are specific to our MySQL "ghetto queue" implementation and could be extended to support other queuing systems.

1.3. Multiple queue support

Moving the dispatcher code to the backend would have the advantage of allowing that logic to be moved out of the main site, and allow to have multiple queues, for example one per server.

For this, we would need to have a server column to separate the queues directly in the SQL tables. This, in turn, would duplicate the server information, which is already in the hosting_site/platform/server tables. In other words, maybe this information should be fetched through a JOIN instead.

1.4. Aliases location

Regardless, that information is also duplicated in the drush aliases, which would need to be synced to remote servers anyways. One of the reason for the hub/spoke model is that it makes it much easier to find where a site is - you just look in the alias and there you are, you log into that server and you do your things.

Having a queue per server would probably mean completely removing certain aliases, specifically the server aliases, which could mean problem for slave servers in the 'pack' cluster module.

1.5. The cron queue

The cron queue is an odd anomaly in all this. It is the only known implementation of the "batch" queue (although there is talk of implementing a civicrm cron queue). It also happens to oddly duplicate and overlap the functionality of the builtin cron daemon, which it depends on.

My thought is currently to not duplicate the functionality of cron (which we depend on anyways - we do not want to reimplement this in hosting_queued I believe) and instead start looking at writing cron jobs individually to the crontab. This could be done in the verify task of sites.

Unfortunately, the crontab command doesn't feature a locking mechanism, which means we will have to implement our own to avoid overwriting changes if we ever allow some tasks to be ran in parallel.

Nevertheless, this seems like a much simpler implementation that would also allow per-task cron periods.

2. The provision context engine

Otherwise known as "d(), the aliases, the contexts and the nature of the universe".

Anyone who has gotten into Aegir sufficiently deep will have encountered the Provision_Context class and the d() function. Some blogs were written about it to explain a little what it does, but it was mostly limited to how to use it, not really how to extend it.

2.1. The limitations of d() (thee?)

There are significant limitations to this framework. First off, it is confusing: no programmer I have known to get into the project have fully gotten their head wrapped around the idea of the provision contexts.

Second, it overlaps with a lot of existing functionality in Drush, in name or in essence. The provision contexts extend the Drush aliases to provide automatic saving of the aliases, but also generation of configuration files based on templates. That is interesting in itself, but has never been integrated upstream and no one, as far as I know, ever dared to start doing this. Besides, all the work for this is done by provision-save command, which is mostly a stub that serialises drush options into an alias.

It also overlaps, in name, with the Drush contexts, which are themselves confusing, as there are two things called drush contexts. The first one is drush_get_context() which is really a way to store static data in Drush, and should be renamed drush_get_static(). The second one uses the static storage to provide a hierarchical storage mechanism for drush options, which include the site/platform/etc drushrc files, the drush aliases, and so on.

Third, it duplicates information between the context storage (ie. the alias), the frontend (MySQL) database and the generated config files. The latter could arguably be excused, since the alternative would be write write a parser for all config files we generate, which can be a pain in the butt. However, the duplication between the frontend database and the drush aliases is a real problem.

The original idea behind the aliases was to be a step towards storing data "in the cloud", or more precisely, in a key-value storage system like Redis. The fact that the implementation is incomplete is due to the departure of our founder, and we need to take care of this problem for things to make sense again.

Fourth, it conflicts with Drush's alias semantics. By using FQDNs as the alias name, we are looking for trouble. Drush aliases can be multiple per site, so you can have site @example with an alias and, ie. the separator for those multiple aliases is the dot, just like domain names.

Aegir currently only defines one alias per site, but this could get really confusing, at the very least, for users coming from a Drush universe with a heavy use of shell aliases. Worst case, it will create situations where the wrong site is being used for tasks.

2.2. The future of d()

(Okay I'll stop with the puns.)

It is clear that we need to reshuffle this code. My first reflex is to simply scrap this and start from scratch. This could be coherent with the earlier thoughts on removing some aliases (the @server aliases, more specifically) and the reworking of the queuing system, which is what this all depends on in the end.

If we can access the data stored in the MySQL database directly, we may not need aliases at all, or more precisely, drush aliases could be generated on the fly based on MySQL credentials given to the Aegir user (or other users!) that would give the user access to the frontend data.

No need to provision-save anymore - the aliases would be loaded from the DB on the fly. This may also allows us to get rid of the "arguments" column in the hosting task table (for certain tasks like install at the very least), something that shouldn't be neglected.

2.3. The future of config file generation

This is the one sticky bit that is not covered and requires the Provision_Context class to remain. The class allows developers to specify configuration file templates to generate based on the context variables, which is very useful.

This is something that we may want to integrate into Drush, but not in its current state. It would probably need to be wrapper around Drush's concept of aliases more tightly and more simply. This may yet mean just extending the current alias code with a class, as we do now, unfortunately (as we are building a OO framework on top of a non-OO tangle).

I am still unclear as to what the next step is for the backend, but hopefully this will yield to some discussions and new ideas.

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