
Aegir is about tools, not policy.

You'll hear the maintainers of Aegir mention this regularly, when discussing various technical topics. The point is to highlight a design goal of Aegir's, which is to enable various workflows, rather than impose any.

The same applies to the business models one adopts, and hopefully facilitates, with Aegir. This section of the handbook is intended to gather various documents about major initiatives within the Drupal community, and provide a place to discuss and analyze them from the perspective of the Aegir community.

As a first step, I'm proposing two such documents:

Open Apps Standard Draft
The goal for the Open App Standard is to define the purpose and high level components of an App infrastructure in Drupal, and to define the technical protocols required for the creation, use, and distribution of apps in the community and larger marketplace.
Software-as-a-Service Business Model Roadmap
The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model allows clients to purchase subscriptions to pre-built sites (whether pre-packaged profiles such as Open Atrium, or custom-built profiles), which are then provisioned for them by an Aegir system.