Ubercart Integration

Aegir Ubercart Integration

This module provides several features to ubercart products on an Aegir platform.


  • Hostmaster 6.x-1.0 (rc3 minimum)
  • Ubercart 2
  • Patience


  1. Download the module and its dependencies into sites/all/modules on your hostmaster platform ("drush @hostmaster dl uc_hosting ubercart" should work)
  2. Activate the clients feature for hostmaster (admin/hosting/features)
  3. Enable the module uc_hosting_products. This should enable all dependencies (drush @hostmaster en uc_hosting_products)

Creating Your First Site Product

  1. Create a product. Make sure it is not shippable. (node/add/product)
  2. Edit the product. Go to the features tab.
  3. Choose the "Create a site and adjust quotas accordingly" feature. It should use the sku of your product automatically.
  4. Now all you need is a drupal platform that any user can create platforms on and you are ready to go. (node/add/platform)

Creating Your First "Platform Access" Product

  1. If you haven't already, add a platform with access restricted to just your admin client. (node/add/platform)
  2. Create a product. Make sure it is not shippable. (node/add/product)
  3. Edit the product. Go to the features tab.
  4. Choose the "Access to a platform" feature. It should use the sku of your product automatically.
  5. Now choose which platform you want this product to grant access to (e.g. the one created in step 1).

Creating More Complex Offerings Using Product Kits

Each product can have only one uc_hosting feature. The method we recommend for creating complex offerings, including multiple site quotas and access to restricted platforms, is via Ubercart product kits.

  1. Enable uc_product_kit.
  2. Create one or more uc_hosting products.
  3. Create a product kit with these products in them in the appropriate quantities.


You can report bugs, request support and propose patches via our issue queue on Drupal.org: http://drupal.org/project/issues/uc_hosting


Check out the roadmap: http://community.aegirproject.org/node/109

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