Extending Aegir


Aegir is designed to be easily extendable by developers. These extensions may come in the form of

  • Adding new tasks to be performed against sites
  • Adding new services or implementations of service types (postgres for the DB service, for example)
  • Overriding or hooking into existing forms such as the site form, to send extra data to the backend
  • Using APIs to inject bits of configuration into configuration files such as settings.php and vhosts.

This area will be devoted to teaching you how to extend and develop for Aegir to encourage contributions to the Aegir project or to help you modify Aegir to suit your unique use case.

Aegir API documentation

The inline documentation is a good start to understand the various hooks and internals that allow you to extend and customize Aegir to your liking

The documentation is rendered on api.aegirproject.org daily.

Please submit any suggestions or bug reports to the Aegir Project issue queue of your choice, under the "documentation" component.