2.0-rc4 release notes

An error in the manual portion of our release process resulted in the incorrect version of the code-base being built. See the release notes for 2.0-rc3 for relevant changes since 2.0-rc2.

Known bugs

In addition to those listed in the [release notes for 2.0-rc3], note that some people have experienced problems with downloading a patch in the main Aegir makefile. This is most likely due to problems with drupal.org's SSL certificate. If you are experiencing such an issue, there is a simple work-around: edit the aegir.make file in the provision/ directory to make the path use http:// instead of https://.

For a Debian-based system (including Ubuntu), this would look something like:

$ sudo vi /usr/bin/drush/commands/provision/aegir.make

For 'manual' installs on other OS's, it would probably be:

$ sudo vi /var/aegir/provision/aegir.make

Change the line:

projects[drupal][patch][] = "https://drupal.org/files/common.inc_6.28.patch"

to read:

projects[drupal][patch][] = "http://drupal.org/files/common.inc_6.28.patch"

Then re-run the install. On Debian/Ubuntu machines:

$ sudo apt-get install aegir2
  • On manually installed systems (CentOS, etc.) as the aegir user:

    $ drush hostmaster-install

    Detailed list of changes






    • Fixed makefiles to point to proper versions of projects.