Using drush_make to optimize workflow


Once you understand why Aegir is a great tool for developing and managing Drupal web sites you inevitably start looking for ways to optimize workflow. mig5's article on Drupal deployments and workflows provides great insight on managing platforms, profiles and sites using Aegir, version control and the drush_make project.

The challenge of managing platforms and profiles

Whether you are using Drupal to developing bespoke web sites or vertical web applications with hundreds of instances (sites), it is not uncommon to be managing a mix of platforms and profiles. These comprise community-contributed projects that, in many cases, are frequently updated. To protect the integrity of their platforms developers like to explicitly control which version of which project they use and when. It can be time consuming to keep everything up to date. Many contributed projects are available in versions compatible with multiple Drupal versions so this mix of platforms and profiles can be complex.

Using drush_make to manage common and disparate code bases

One of the really powerful features of drush_make is that it can operate recursively. You invoke the drush make command on a local make file but if drush_make fetches a profile or project that includes another make file then this is parsed and additional packages are fetched.

A typical way that developers leverage this feature is when they want to have some projects available to the entire platform and some that are specific to one or more custom profiles that are part of the platform. They achieve this by including a different make file with each profile repository.

Using make files with profiles works well when you want to manage distinct code bases that are specific to a site running under that profile. Only sites using profile 'foo' can see modules, themes or libraries located in subdirectories of the foo profile's directory. However, using the includes option you can also reference a make file directly using a local path or a URL. The advantage of this is that you can maintain a make file that references the projects you use on every profile on every platform (e.g. views, cck, path etc.).

This is illustrated schematically below:

Example make files

Here are some example make files that illustrate the concepts described above:


core = 6.x
api = 2

; drupal core
projects[drupal][version] = 6.20

; platform projects
projects[webform][vesion] = 3.2
projects[workflow][version] = 1.4
projects[job_scheduler][version] = 1.0-beta3
projects[feeds][version] = 1.0-beta10

; platform theme
projects[acme_theme][type] = "theme"
projects[acme_theme][download][type] = "git"
projects[acme_theme][download][url] = ""
projects[acme_theme][download][branch] = "master"

; profile 1
projects[acme_profile1][type] = "profile"
projects[acme_profile1][download][type] = "git"
projects[acme_profile1][download][url] = ""
projects[acme_profile1][download][branch] = "master"

; profile 2
projects[acme_profile2][type] = "profile"
projects[acme_profile2][download][type] = "git"
projects[acme_profile2][download][url] = ""
projects[acme_profile2][download][branch] = "master"

; base make file
includes[acme_base] = ""

; patches
projects[superfish][patch][] = ""


core = 6.x
api = 2

; ecommerce
projects[ubercart][version] = 2.4


core = 6.x
api = 2

projects[openlayers][version] = 2.x-dev
projects[ldap_integration][version] = 1.0-beta2


core = 6.x
api = 2

; utilities
projects[ctools][version] = 1.8
projects[jquery_ui][version] = 1.4
projects[jquery_update][version] = 2.x-dev
projects[modalframe][version] = 1.7
projects[advanced_help][version] = 1.2
projects[transliteration][version] = 3.0
projects[token][version] = 1.15

; content management
projects[imageapi][version] = 1.9
projects[imagecache][version] = 2.x-dev
projects[cck][version] = 2.9
projects[filefield][version] = 3.9
projects[imagefield][version] = 3.9
projects[diff][version] = 2.1
projects[date][version] = 2.7
projects[calendar][version] = 2.4
projects[views][version] = 3.x-dev
projects[views_slideshow][version] = 2.3
projects[content_profile][version] = 1.0
projects[og][version] = 2.1
projects[node_clone][version] = 1.2
projects[node_export][version] = 2.21
projects[node_import][version] = 1.x-dev
projects[nodequeue][version] = 2.9
projects[noderelationships][version] = 1.6
projects[reverse_node_reference][version] = 1.0
projects[nodereference_views][version] = 1.3
projects[page_title][version] = 2.3
projects[pathauto][version] = 1.5
projects[realname][version] = 1.3

; ui
projects[wysiwyg][version] = 2.2
projects[imce][version] = 2.1
projects[imce_wysiwyg][version] = 1.1

; site administration
projects[admin_menu][version] = 1.6
projects[devel][version] = 1.x-dev
projects[devel_themer][version] = 1.x-dev
projects[globalredirect][version] = 1.x-dev
projects[google_analytics][version] = 2.3
projects[xmlsitemap][version] = 2.0-beta1

; site building
projects[rules][version] = 1.4
projects[features][version] = 1.0
projects[context][version] = 3.0
projects[strongarm][version] = 2.0
projects[purl][version] = 1.0-beta13
projects[spaces][version] = 3.0

; site theming
projects[skinr][version] = 1.6
projects[superfish][version] = 1.6
projects[adaptivetheme][version] = 3.0-rc2

; libraries

; CKEditor
libraries[ckeditor][download][type] = "get"
libraries[ckeditor][download][url] = ""
libraries[ckeditor][directory_name] = "ckeditor"
libraries[ckeditor][destination] = "libraries"

; jquery ui library
libraries[jquery_ui][download][type] = "get"
libraries[jquery_ui][destination] = "modules/jquery_ui"
libraries[jquery_ui][download][url] = ""
libraries[jquery_ui][directory_name] = "jquery.ui"
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