2.0-alpha2 released!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 (All day)

The Aegir team is pleased to announce the second preview (alpha) release of the Aegir 2.x branch, after nearly 3 months of development since our first alpha release. We've squashed a number of tenacious bugs, added some nifty features, and made some important improvements to our API. We expect at least one more alpha release before we call a feature-freeze, and begin out stabilizing and cleanup (beta) release cycle.

During this release cycle, we also began work on Aegir 3, a more-or-less straight port of Aegir 2 to Drupal 7. We continue to sync changes in 2.x to our 3.x branch, and look forward to continuing the port (and beginning to add new features) as soon as we've released our first stable 2.x release.

Our next alpha release will target getting sub-site support (example.com/site1, example.com/site2, etc.) into Aegir core as an experimental feature. This has been our number one feature request from higher education institutions, and so we intend to incorporate it into Aegir 2, in order to enable greater adoption within that sector. We have a fairly detailed implementation plan, and so feel confident that we can incorporate this major feature, in fairly short order.

We encourage everyone to read the release notes for complete details.