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Where is aegir mysql password stored?


Where is aegir mysql password stored?


I am using aegir 1.x. I can access db via phpmyadmin without any password. This was setup by someone else and he is not here anymore. I need to carry out db import work from command line because the file is too big for web interface. But I cannot find the mysql login details that aegir uses. Unfortunately noone knows the mysql root password either.

Does anyone knows where I can find this detail on the server? I can login to both apache server and sql server as root.

Does aegir use the mysql root account to handle db? If no, is it safe for me to reset mysql root password without affecting aegir?

Many thanks, Long


It's in e.g. ~/.drush/server_master.alias.drushrc.php

Look for 'master_db'


Awesome, thanks!

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