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Tagged "Sysadmin"

Title Author Last post
Atrium Notebook The best recipes for disaster and how to avoid them
This is a short list of all those bad things you should avoid while still learning how to use Aegir system properly, compiled from many real-world...
omega8cc Fri, 10/12/2012 - 13:03
Atrium Notebook Your site and Aegir
So, you've provisioned a site using Aegir, and you're poking about looking at the system and what it's done. A Drupal site managed by Aegir is...
mig5 Wed, 10/03/2012 - 05:17
Atrium Notebook DNS
Debian/Ubuntu There is preliminary support for DNS in Aegir's backend that allows it to manage zonefiles dynamically when sites are created. There...
mig5 Sat, 09/22/2012 - 17:18
Atrium Notebook Injecting into server-wide vhosts
Changing maximum filesize upload is common when setting up sites in Drupal. As described in Overriding site-specific PHP values you can change this...
mig5 Tue, 09/18/2012 - 20:58
Atrium Notebook Weekly Scrums
Since we have now a bigger team of people interested in the project (contributors in the queue, outside the queue, people at Koumbit, the community...
ergonlogic Mon, 08/27/2012 - 16:34
Atrium Notebook Ubercart Integration
This module provides several features to ubercart products on an Aegir platform. Requirements Hostmaster 6.x-1.0 or higher Ubercart 6.x-2.4 or...
sfyn Sat, 07/14/2012 - 12:47
Atrium Notebook Injecting into platform-wide vhosts (.htaccess)
Using a .htaccess with an Allow Override all directive in Apache can be a major performance killer, because it requires Apache to stat each...
mig5 Mon, 06/11/2012 - 23:32
Atrium Notebook Remote webserver configuration
Any number of remote web servers may be configured. They need an aegir user and webserver configuration, with the same user name and directory paths...
ergonlogic Mon, 04/23/2012 - 01:03
Atrium Notebook Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2012-04-16
[04:59:05]    <ergonlogic>  darthsteven anarcat mig5 omega8cc: scrum?[04:59:33]    <anarcat> yep, i...
ergonlogic Mon, 04/16/2012 - 19:19
Atrium Notebook Weekly Scrum IRC Log: 2012-04-09
[05:02:08]    <ergonlogic>  anarcat mig5 omega8cc darthsteven everyone: scrum?[05:02:34]   <omega8cc>...
ergonlogic Mon, 04/16/2012 - 18:57