2.0-rc5 release notes
The Aegir team is is pleased to announce the fifth release candidate for the upcoming Aegir 2.0 release!
ssl + cluster
Known issues
None so far, although there are still our usual major issues in the Aegir issue queue.
Detailed list of changes
- remove version pinning in hostmaster, our release process now again needs to modify only one makefile (#2002114)
- #1986928: Provide 2.x upgrade guidance for services
- #2099889: More hosting_features checks in _drush_load hooks?
- #1882708: Unused 'release_id' field in 'hosting_platform'
- #2012508: hosting_context_name returns '@' if node not found
- #1283738: Add new hook provision_drupal_create_directories in _provision_drupal_create_directories
- aegir install time reduced by about 60 seconds (on a cable uplink) by using distributions (#2002114)
- #2001964: Upgrade Views Bulk Operations 6.x-1.16
- #2099057: Allow _provision_drupal_create_directories to skip chmod
- #2100251: Implement post-enable hook for 'hosting_*' modules
- #2020075: Refactor subdirs to use proper Config class(es)
- #2020079: Multi-server subdirectory support
- #2096629: hook_provision_drupal_create_directories_alter by ref
- #2086009: Logo Cannot be changed / disabled
- #2069387: Support nonstandard ports on hostmaster-install command
- #2074681: Ports are hardcoded in hostmaster.profile
- #2110057: Key used for signing debian package has expired
- #1635628: do not talk about a makefile if installing over an existing platform
- #2103173: Provide an example of saving data to a site context
- #2109637: script fails to checkout 6.x-2.x
- #2085077: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
- #2102341: Differentiate between a feature being disabled vs absent
- #2029799: Error deleting a platform: Call to a member function succeed() on a non-object
- #1971348: Site aliases get chopped if longer than 50 characters
- #2071317: Incorrect SSL IP is deployed to servers in a web pack
- #2098289: Backup task does not detect failed database dump
- #2098389: subdirs kicks in even when subdirs module is disabled.
- #1189576: can't disable the DNS service from the frontend
- #1931000: Missing drush backend output in frontend log
- #2077793: Queue daemon collecting quotes
- #2097689: clean_urls don't work well with subdirectory
- #2097363: Add site spins forever
- #1387578: hosting_queues_cron_cmd makes unwarranted assumptions about bash availablility
- #2084963: SSL vhost does not respect Alias redirects
- #2061509: List of platforms is no longer updated to match install profile clicked at node/add/site
- #2046783: Task dialogs won't open after clearing the cache