RT @ChrisvdKoppel: Naar de Varsity. Heel veel zin in! #varsity #aegir

RT @ChrisvdKoppel: Naar de Varsity. Heel veel zin in! #varsity => hosting_site_count() ignores disabled sites => Hostmaster (Aegir), Code, normal, needs work, 5 comments, 1 IRC mention
[21:03:16]   <mig5>    like the last 20 or so patches over the last 2 years
[21:03:24] <mig5>    that's about it from me!
[21:03:46]    * rv0 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:03:54]    <mig5>    some of our builds in jenkins are still broken, this seems to be related to installing deb files via dpkg, which i haven't figured out yet
[21:04:26]  <mig5>    weird requirements like nfs-common, and the drush-make deb, etc.. and my attempt to fix it saw that restarting portmap or something failed. haven't had time to look at.
[21:06:05]    <darthsteven> sorry if I've added to your confusion in that issue
[21:06:25] <mig5>    nah it's not you. any developer would be fine with it
[21:06:43]   <mig5>    iam just not made of the same stuff and never have been. i should find something i'm good at and stick with it :)
[21:06:54]   <mig5>    don't have a coder brain
[21:07:50]    <darthsteven> okay, well the efforts are appreciated
[21:07:54]   <darthsteven> shall I go next?
[21:08:06] <mig5>    please!
[21:08:17]  <darthsteven> well, I've looked at a couple of issues in the queue
[21:08:52]    <darthsteven> notably: 1185690
[21:09:10] <darthsteven> which is running through jenkins now
[21:09:13] <darthsteven> a minor fix
[21:09:34]  <darthsteven> We'll release 1.8 next week
[21:09:38] <darthsteven> I think
[21:09:42]  <darthsteven> that's it from me
[21:09:59]   <mig5>    nice, thanks
[21:11:07] <mig5>    real shame that we lost data from the community site
[21:11:14] <mig5>    niccolo wrote something interesting in response to http://community.aegirproject.org/discuss/wheres-aegir-drupalcon-denver
[21:11:36]   <mig5>    about how it feels like the project is sort of losing its spark, so to speak, in the wake of other beasts like pantheon
[21:11:45]  <mig5>    i've been wondering about that and how we can get that spark back
[21:12:02]   <darthsteven> indeed
[21:12:13]   <mig5>    it's probably in the eye of the beholder, of course.. some might feel it's very new and exciting and others less so
[21:12:33]    <mig5>    but i don't think we ever fully recovered from the developmentseed departure
[21:12:40]    <darthsteven> yup
[21:13:41]  <mig5>    I haven't got much to suggest, given I myself struggle with immense motivation issues. ho, hum
[21:13:55]  <darthsteven> I'm now working at least a day week, at work, on Aegir
[21:14:00]  <mig5>    that's unreal :)
[21:14:26]    <mig5>    i wanted to ask how you currently do your deployments etc
[21:14:31]    <darthsteven> so hoping to get some of the longer standing bugs sorted out
[21:15:19] <darthsteven> and some of the more complicated bugs that would take a few hours to set up multiple servers etc.#aegir